Saturday, July 25, 2009

Hey friends

if you need a simple watermarker which can make watermark of your copyrights string you can get it here fro freeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

isn't it interesting.

here it is : you can download it from the following link watermark 1.0.jar and its Licence

the software is under MIT style license. you can use it for free

what all you can do with this software
you can put water mark on a single image , multiple images or all the images in folder and also can resize images

Minimum Requirement for using this software
1] must have java 1.4 installed

Tested for windows xp environment

How to use it??
1] download watermark 1.0.jar file from given location
2] double click on the jar file, you would see a panel which contains file watermark & folder watermark

3] you can find two tabs one for file watermarking and another for putting watermark to all the images in the folder.
4] you can select max Height and Width for image
5] you can change font of the text which is to be watermarked
6] you can change the quality of image
7] you can change the opacity of the watermark
8] enter watermark lable
9]select file , files or folder (if in folder tab)
10]select the folder where you want to save these images
11]and click on submit button you would get the watermarked images

example of sample watermarkd picture

non watermarked image

watermarked image

1] enter proper value for respective fields as bug fixing is not done
2] do not depend on alert message, check to the respective folder if watermarking is done
3]do not use same folder for saving files as it will overwrite your images without any indication
4] puts watermark only on jpeg images